...and all of the stress will be worth it. Right?

(That's WxMan sneaking a peek....)
The great thing was getting
a full price offer on our place. Now commences the firey hoop jumping. Gah.
The prospective buyers have elected to go with a state sponsored loan program which affords them the
BEST INTEREST RATE IN THE UNIVERSE... /booming God-like voice from heaven.
The up side
for them is that over the course of time they get to save a sh*t load of money. I get that...
The down side
for me is that the "government" inspector (read 5,000% more picky and anal than your already picky and anal inspector) gets to crawl up our a$$ with a flashlight.
** Wonderful.
You see, my house was built in 1893. Hello! 1893! What do you think building codes were like then??
"Well, if we can get Sven Olsen to allow us the use of his team and wagon along with those of yours and Earl's across the way, we should be able to gather enough support posts from the orchard in a day or two.. Everybody bring their own chain saw axe. Okay? I''ll have the missus fix dinner for us..."
Yeah, in our nanny state you
gotta have a permit world today that kind of building "code" is going to go over really well. Not. (Remember
this guy? and he *had* a permit! Just goes to show you can't legislate common sense...) But I digress...

Here, I'll show you. This is one of the original supports for this house -->
See what I mean? Now over the course of years, the house has been re-supported, shored up, brought up to "code," rewired, updated, and etc...
However, the walls in the living room are the original plaster and lath construction, the sub flooring is original, and Lord only knows what's in the attic. I'm
not going to look...
And as much as I love all of the quirks this house has, something tells me that the inspector will not.
I mean really, what are the odds that they will NOT find lead based paint somewhere on the premises?? Seriously! Or a crack here, or a wonky non-plumb wall there!?!
There have been many updates, to be sure.
Hey, I understand hat indoor plumbing is all the rage these days... But honestly, given that this house has been added-on to a MINIMUM of three times, how can you NOT expect there to be issues???
I know that when we bought this house 3+ years ago, all I wanted to know was that they place was structurally sound and up to code. I loved and expected all of the wonkyness that comes with owning an old house! It's the wonky that translates to charm when you do it right...
And I love my weird little house. It's comfy and friendly, and though it has quirks it has felt like home to me from the beginning. And I am
not looking forward to it getting a F, so to speak. **sniff**
I just hope that the prospective buyers love it enough (and are intelligent enough) to understand that nothing in going to be "perfect" in a house that was standing when
Grover Cleveland was president. 114 years ago, people - that's a long time...
** (Just for the record - yes, the house passed inspection when we bought it three years ago. I am just feeling the need to flap my arms... )
I am off to tidy up - the
final exam inspection is scheduled for tomorrow. I need to prep my crib notes...