Been there, done that,
bought hell, this time I
made the tee-shirt.
It's been one of those weeks. You know, the kind where you discover that...
...you need to get the money sent in for the pom-pom thingy that your youngest wants to do, the eldest has a big social studies test to prepare for, your Hubby only gets one day off so getting any Christmas prep done with his involvement is limited to 2 hours one afternoon (maybe), gifts need to be purchased for the kids classroom parties this week, and oh! Do I need to send in something for the community gift basket for A's class? Better check on that... Holiday baking and prep? Holy Crap, it's the 6th already... Oh and you need to remember that you have that thing at the church next Wednesday - you said you'd send out an email reminder. Remember? No? Well, write it down. We are out of milk, and dog food, and laundry soap.... And did you get the load out of the washer last night? Better check, and throw in another load... And what the heck is for dinner? Did the snowpants get dry? She's going to need them tomorrow... What did I decide on for dinner? And I need to remember to pick up K's prescription today... Write it down...
In the middle of all of that (which I know all we mother's go through) you remember that your youngest has a presentation due this week. Today in fact. And on the bottom of the instruction sheet is this notation:
Parental involvement encouraged...Not that we haven't known about it. And she has been preparing her information and studying all about Bengal Tigers for a month now.
Parental involvement encouraged...Her Grandy helped her a bunch with the gathering of information and the printing of many,
many tiger pictures. I have helped too, her sister created graphics on the computer for her to use. A three sided presentation board was purchased and put together.
We help out. That's what families do...
Parental involvement encouraged...Right. And on a cognitive level I know that that little note is for the *suck* parents who do not help or care how their kids are doing in school. I know. It's not directed at me per se.
Parental involvement encouraged...But the thing is, I never wanted to be one of those parents who do their kids work
for them just so that they get a better grade. Or show up the other kids. Or look a lot smarter/more advanced than they are. I think that is detrimental to all persons involved.
Especially detrimental to the KID.
Parental involvement encouraged...But here they are, practically
telling me to cheat. Do it all for her. Make sure it looks professional and nice. Make sure that she performs from the script *I* prepare.
I don't like that.
Is it just me, or do you remember having to do your
own work and presentations for school?? I don't
ever remember seeing a note come home with an assignment saying
parental involvement encouraged...
I do, however, remember resenting the kids whose parents would do the work for them.
You always knew who they were too... Pissed me off that the would get out of the work and get a better grade than me just because their mom (or dad) couldn't stand for their child not to be perceived as perfect.
Besides that, I
am involved
thankyouverymuch. I already got, hell, I frickin'
wrote that memo.
Parental involvement encouraged...No shit, Sherlock.
'Course maybe I am just tired. And grouchy. And overreacting a bit.
Parental involvement encouraged...Maybe??
Yeah, I'm tired.
Update: In case you were curious, A.
rocked the presentation. I knew she would... She learned her facts well. : )