My occasionally snarky thoughts on everything from motherhood, politics, life and current events. Cocktails are sometimes mandatory. Bottoms up!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Got Carrots??

Note to self... Put carrots on the grocery list just in case it snows.

Good grief!

So, today we are in the throws of the last push toward Christmas Cheer. I have my last loaves of cinnamon struesel bread made, toffee ready to go, and we are working on the We Three Kings costumes for tomorrow.

Nothing says Christmas like standing in the garage armed with glitter glue and gold spray paint. Eh??

And yes, I'll take pictures.

Yesterday, I got to meet up with a few fine gentlemen for a brief respite from all of the holiday preparation. It's always interesting to catch a glimpse of the male psyche - especially when Contagion is the one doing the "show and tell." Good lord...

Thanks guys! The laughter was much needed.

Anyhoo, I'm off - back to the kitchen for me. One more batch of toffee to make, treats to deliver, one last foray to Toys R Us (God help me), and a grocery run.

T minus 18 hours until blissful Christmas relaxation, all tied up in a pretty bow. I am soooooooo looking forward to that....

Merry Christmas y'all!