And you *know* I'm blonde...
You Are a Golden Blonde |
![]() Men see you as flirty and fun, yet deep and thoughtful You've got all the pizzazz of a blonde... With the intensity of a brunette |
Sounds about right - Blonde is as Blonde does, after all.
My occasionally snarky thoughts on everything from motherhood, politics, life and current events. Cocktails are sometimes mandatory. Bottoms up!
You Are a Golden Blonde |
![]() Men see you as flirty and fun, yet deep and thoughtful You've got all the pizzazz of a blonde... With the intensity of a brunette |
You Are a Powdered Devil's Food Donut |
![]() A total sweetheart on the outside, you love to fool people with your innocent image. On the inside you're a little darker, richer, and more complex. You're a hedonist who demands more than one pleasure at a time. Decadent and daring, you test the limits of human indulgence. |
You Belong in Generation X |
![]() You fit in best with people born between 1961 and 1981. You are fun, laid back, and very independent. You are willing to take risks and live your life however you see fit. You are casual, accepting, and friendly. You see everyone as your equal. |
This video of thermal footage was recorded from an AC-130 gunship from a mile or more away. No rounds were fired by the aircraft, this was just natural selection at work.And it makes me smile - does that make me a bad person??
Some jihadists were trying to conjure up an IED made from a 155mm artillery shell. Evidently, they lost the instruction manual.
Problem resolved with no US intervention required.
Remember me? I'm one of those small town Pennsylvanians - you know - the bitter ones?
I live in a Pa town of about 497 people. Small enough for you? The surrounding Township has another 500 or so people. Most of us, me included, have carry permits and mini-arsenals at home. Many of us attend church services weekly or at least as often as we are able. A lot of us are anti-illegal immigration, but not for the reasons you suggest.
We don't cling to guns or religion or anti-illegal immigration because we are bitter about job losses. Sure, some are bitter about the dearth of jobs in Western PA, but that bitterness isn't what causes us to cling to guns or religion or anything else. No, if bitterness comes into the equation at all it is because the government, people like Clinton, Obama, Pelosi, and their ilk are constantly suggesting that our guns are bad or religion doesn't have its place in a free society or that we should turn a blind eye to illegal immigration because they have.
Small town Pennsylvanians like many Americans are bitter that the government, and Dems in particular, are continuously chipping away at our freedoms. "No you can't have that handgun because you could get hurt" or "You don't have a say because you are Christian and Christians are bad" or "Your law abiding, self sufficient relative can't come live here in the U.S. lawfully because so many live here unlawfully." Here is my bitterness...
The man from Milwaukee who gave the world the Chicken Dance has died.Many of my fellow Translucent Americans will undoubtedly mourn his passing, but will take comfort that his legacy will continue to live on at weddings and roller-rinks here in Wisconsin.
Local Musician Bob Kames, the creator of the dance so many of us do at weddings, has died at the age of 82.
And reminiscence is what happens when three friends from High School get together after 17+ years and there are yearbooks and wine within easy reach. In other words, we had a blast...
Back in the day, we were a foursome - Jen, Jill, Kristi and I - and though Jill has fallen a bit off of our radar, it was still great to be together again after such a long long time.
Post graduation from High School in my little Wyoming town (our class numbered 122 - thankyouverymuch) we all scattered to the winds. Different colleges, different life experiences, different..... well.... EVERYTHING!! Somehow though, we all managed to marry wonderful guys and have families of our own that make us proud (even while rolling our eyes) and lives that we could not have imagined back when those pictures at the top were taken.
Today we are a little older and much much wiser... At least I would hope so.
Kristi, Me and Jen - together again.So, here's to old friends!! In my head though, I think we will remain 17 for a while longer yet... Just don't tell our kids. ; )