My occasionally snarky thoughts on everything from motherhood, politics, life and current events. Cocktails are sometimes mandatory. Bottoms up!

Monday, July 10, 2006

70 minutes....

I've got seventy more minutes.

I took the kids to swim this afternoon and after a quick run to the store I have seventy more minutes of quiet time just for me. Now the dilemma....

Do I blog?? Well, obviously the answer to *that* is yes. But just for a minute or four.

Could I nap? Probably - but I've caught my second wind and I'll be okay.

Do the dishes?? Do more laundry?? Well I probably should. But I don't really want to.

Maybe I should just go and sit on the patio in the nice cool breeze and read my new book. I'm 100 pages into Twelve Sharp and so far it is fabulous! Stephanie Plumb is in her kitchen with Ranger and her car hasn't even blown up yet! There are balls of fire sure to be had there!!

So lets see.... Laundry/Dishes vs. KickAss new book..... Hmmmmm....

What would you do?? I got 60 minutes left....