My occasionally snarky thoughts on everything from motherhood, politics, life and current events. Cocktails are sometimes mandatory. Bottoms up!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Thinking on a Thursday??

Well, sure! Gotta keep those braincells happy don't we??


The scores on the math test were posted. Xenia's score was not the lowest. Neil's was neither the best nor the worst. Robin was beaten by Neil. Xenia beat Vera. Vera scored better than Robin and Neil. Will beat Vera but not Xenia

Who scored the highest?


And who is going to lose it on Prom Night and take out half of the Senior Class?? Huh?? I think *that* is a much more important question to answer at this point. Don't you??

Anyway, like always the answer(s) will be found later in the comments. See you then!

Update: Rave from Quid Nunc is today's official smartypants. Whoohoo!