My occasionally snarky thoughts on everything from motherhood, politics, life and current events. Cocktails are sometimes mandatory. Bottoms up!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


And it's been lovely, though admittedly it feels like we live on the sun.


So to put some cool down in our day we rented an arctic movie for family movie night - Eight Below. Looks like a good one and it came highly recommended. If nothing else I will enjoy looking at the snow. Remind me of that when February rolls around, will you?

Anyway, please excuse the tardiness - here is today's Brain Bender.....


Find the word that fits the definitions below when it's 1) a whole word and 2) divided into two words.

1) Whole word: an instrument that measures time

2) Two words:
a. the Paris subway
b. a city in Alaska


Okay, you know how to play. The answers will be found later in the comments. Stay cool!!!

Update: The very cool Rave from Quid Nunc is todays official Smartypants. Whoohoo!