My occasionally snarky thoughts on everything from motherhood, politics, life and current events. Cocktails are sometimes mandatory. Bottoms up!

Monday, July 31, 2006

Have you ever.....

.....looked up at the clock, and noted that is was 8:05pm.
"I should go to bed and be rested for a change...."
Only, I don't want to go...

Oh yes, I could sleep - but I would rather still be interacting with my family. Crap. Sometimes the dilemma sucks - not just for me but for every grown-up.....

(Remember when you thought that being a "grown-up" meant that you could stay up late and eat ice-cream whenever you wanted??? Or watch what you wanted to on T.V.?? Or just go where you pleased when you pleased?? )

I do..... **sigh**