My occasionally snarky thoughts on everything from motherhood, politics, life and current events. Cocktails are sometimes mandatory. Bottoms up!

Friday, July 21, 2006


It's Friday, and for no good reason I didn't have to go in to work this morning. Whoohoo! So I have been enjoying that rare and elusive leisurely morning. Ahhhhhh.... My favorite.

The god of simple pleasures talked to the Mother Nature and has negotiated a break for the icky sticky heat as well - an expected high of 76 today with sunshine. No rays of sunshine yet but that's okay - at least we are not being steamed alive...

So. Once I get the ball rolling around here it's going to be housework, housework, housework. (The scary thing is that it actually sorta appeals to me - ummm. Maybe I should have that checked...) The girls completed their room project and it looks quite nice! They are quite pleased with themselves. (It may stem from all of that watching Room Makeover boys vs. girls.) I may have to post a picture, even...

Hubby (WxMan) got home last night having spent four nights in Minneapolis at a business conference. I am always so glad to see him get home after those $#!% things and I actually slept soundly last night for the first time this week. Yay me!

Oh! And as luck would have it he actually has tomorrow off from work. This will be the first day off he and I have had together in....... months. Yikes, I really had to think about that. That's sad.

So okay, I have an even better reason to get the house squared away, so that I can have all day tomorrow to dink around.

So what's on tap for you today/this weekend?? Something fun I hope....