Oh, for the love of ...
Or at least score one of those life sized cardboard cutouts and just have a recording of me saying all of the things that I am *always* saying on a loop??
- Please, hang up your coat!
- Make sure you put your wrappers in the trash!
- Are these your socks? Where do they go?
- Pick that up, please.
- No, I don't care if you think it's your sister's... Please pick that up!
- ..... Do you hear me?
- Why do I have to ask again and again and again??
- Shoes in the shoe place!
- Get off of each other!
- Find another place to sit.
- Why are there socks here?
- No eating in the living room, please!
- What are you eating??
- Get off of your sister!
- Why must there be screaming? Find some words to use...
- Apple bits in the bathroom?? APPLE BITS IN THE BATHROOM???
- Please - just shut the door and hang up your coat.
- Get off of your sister!
- Wrappers! Trash! Make the connection!
Really, I just want to hide in the secret compartment behind the crisper in the fridge and talk on the phone. Moms have those days...
Only boo - I don't have a secret compartment behind the crisper. So if I could just clone me or get that cut-out I would be golden....
School day tomorrow - ask me if I am a little bit happy about that!
Update: The girls got off to school - happily. Ready to get back to their routine and their friends.
This post was a combination of a week and a half's worth of "togetherness." And written after the discovery of umpteen bits of apple all over the floor and sink in the weird little bathroom. WTF?? I don't know. And both Sporta and Computa copped the "Wasn't meeee..." defense.
Right - must have been the invisible goats then.
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