My occasionally snarky thoughts on everything from motherhood, politics, life and current events. Cocktails are sometimes mandatory. Bottoms up!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Laugh out loud funny for me -- and I really needed a good laugh today....

First, a commercial that askes the question Do you need glasses? [FYI, not work safe]

And then Akshun J has Retail Tales that are definitely worth the read... [excerpt]
They are actually not staring at my face, but at my chest. Reading my name-tag over and over to themselves and trying to make sense of it. (I would like to go on record as saying that I HATE name-tags. As service people, is it too hard that we should reach over, shake hands with our customers, and introduce ourselves?! But, I digress.) It's got my name, the company's name, and my job title written in great big friendly letters, and it's magnetized to my left shirt pocket. And yet, as I draw close to Ray, he steps in front of me, still staring at my chest, and asks.....

wait for it.....

"Do you work here?"

WTF?! Do I work here?! I'm wearing a suit in a sea of people dressed in sweatpants and camo jackets, I have a name-tag bearing the name of the place in which they are CURRENTLY SHOPPING, and I'm carrying a clipboard which is also emblazoned with the SAME company name!

Makes me glad that I don't work in retail for sure... Anyway, looking for some funny this afternoon? Here it is. (He hasn't even made it to the bathroom yet...)