Yummy in the mail....
This was in my mailbox yesterday:

No, not the cake (or the mix) itself -- I wish! But that was the picture on the cover of the new Williams Sonoma catalog that came in the mail. And people wonder how you get folks to buy overpriced catalog items? Well, the fact that when you order from Williams-Sonoma it is always delish. And photography like this certainly helps.
You can't look at that and not have some sort of "wow -- yummy" reaction, can you? And the best part? (Or worst -- however you decide to look at it.) Is that I have had that cake. Yesssireeebob. And it is fabulous. Ordered it for Christmas time year before last. Now they send me catalogs quarterly -- a nice little fringe benefit there! (And looking at the picture is calorie free to boot!)
Still, having just one little bite would be nice....

No, not the cake (or the mix) itself -- I wish! But that was the picture on the cover of the new Williams Sonoma catalog that came in the mail. And people wonder how you get folks to buy overpriced catalog items? Well, the fact that when you order from Williams-Sonoma it is always delish. And photography like this certainly helps.
You can't look at that and not have some sort of "wow -- yummy" reaction, can you? And the best part? (Or worst -- however you decide to look at it.) Is that I have had that cake. Yesssireeebob. And it is fabulous. Ordered it for Christmas time year before last. Now they send me catalogs quarterly -- a nice little fringe benefit there! (And looking at the picture is calorie free to boot!)
Still, having just one little bite would be nice....
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