My occasionally snarky thoughts on everything from motherhood, politics, life and current events. Cocktails are sometimes mandatory. Bottoms up!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Things lost, things found, and things to do...

So begins another week at casa de "¿Por qué tenemos nosotros todas estas cosas estúpidas?"

Which loosely translated means "Why the heck do we have all of this stupid crap??" I have been asking myself this a lot lately, obviously...

At any rate, we have another busy week ahead. In the interest of getting myself organized, and because getting my calendar together for the week was on my list (and I loooooove being able to cross things off of my list) here's the plan...

Today: I have a need to go to City Hall and submit some paperwork - the whole family has to go, actually. And it's for a fun thing - so that's all good. I just hope that I show up with correct documentation and that the process goes smoothly. ::crosses fingers:: Later, I have a meeting. I am on the committee to select a new priest for our little church - the interview process starts today. Good gray grief... This should be interesting.

And the Church Newsletter needs to get off the presses (aka my computer) and into the mail by Monday. Huh - going to have to make some time for that....

For the rest of the week, some things are scheduled - some are not. But it's going to be busy none the less... WxMan and I are taking the girls horseback riding tomorrow morning (ha!) - I haven't been on a horse in years. But Daddy keeps his promises, and he promised the girls that we would go sometime this summer. And summer is fading fast...

Tuesday I have lunch scheduled with a blogger I have followed for a very long time, but have never met. I am psyched to get to actually talk to the man! His blog and comments are always insightful and sometimes funny as all get out - it's going to be a great lunch...

This weekend I am catering two BBQ's/picnics for two different groups. Both on Sunday - one for 35 (at 11am) and one for around 100 (at 4pm). So shopping and cooking are going to have to come into play big time from about Wednesday on. Saturday is crunch time, obviously. And of course, the new neighborhood has planned a block long garage sale for that day!

Woot! Maybe while I am madly cooking, cooking, cooking I can get rid of some of this stupid crap!! (Not your chairs though, Tammi. I'll keep them safe!) I think WxMan will be here to help some - so that will be good.

Friday we have a fun lunch thing planned with friends - yay! And Friday night is the premier of the long awaited High School Musical 2 - awaited at least for those in the 16 and under crowd. The girls are going to a party up the street. It should be a blast... (And I need to remember to send a snack.)

Also I am slated to contribute some of my homemade toffee and peanut butter balls for a fund raiser. I have never made toffee or PBB when it is 90 degrees out so this should be interesting. And it will probably get me in the mood for Christmas 6 months too soon... Ha!

Work continues on Operation Basement. The guys got a LOT done this weekend. The dogs are exhausted... ;^)

So we have walls!! And some ceiling!! An some plumbing and wiring happening!! Whoohoo! I have always been able to envision the space - but it is even better than I had thought. We are going to LOVE utilizing this space. Dance Dance Revolution is going to the basement as soon as it's done. That's nothing but net right there...

I am sooooooo hoping that all is completed before a good friend comes up this way for a long awaited visit. That would be so cool...

So there's my week. I am sure there will be blog fodder for days but time to post it? We'll see...

Happy Monday!