My occasionally snarky thoughts on everything from motherhood, politics, life and current events. Cocktails are sometimes mandatory. Bottoms up!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Up a creek...

...and having a blast!

But maybe it's because my college roomie and her new hubby brought this!

Talk about arriving in style, huh??

And you *know* I had to come aboard and check out their new toy. So cool!

So last night was filled with good food and good fun - the girls showed off their rockstar mad skillz...

And they made it look so fun, the grown-ups had to play too! (My mom made me *promise* I wouldn't post her picture rockin' out, so you'll have to use your imagination....)

Too fun!

Later, we discovered that our respective husbands had more in common than we had originally thought! Interesting enough - she and I both married men from Oklahoma. Okaaaay.

Then we learned that they actually went to High School together! I mean, what are the odds?!?!?!

Of course, WxMan had a yearbook nearby - and proof is in the pictures...

The boys are fairly non-plussed about the whole deal. Because really, who wouldn't want to marry an Okie. ;^)

But seriously - the odds that she and I would meet and marry guys that went to the same freeking high school (and are the same freeking age) thirteen years apart and meeting said guys in in Montana??? That's gotta be pretty small odds....

I'm buying a lotto ticket...

So anyhoo - more fun followed. We introduced them to the joys of kicking the crap out of each other via Wii technology!

Ahhhhhh.... Wedded bliss.

We stayed up much too late and had an absolutely fabulous time! And there is more in store for later. Though I have a feeling we won't be seeing the wee hours...

At least I hope not - we're a lot older than we used to be...