Welcome to the Carnival of the Recipes!

Indian Summer Edition...
A bunch of talented bloggers have really outdone themselves to bring out the yummy for these blissfully warm days and cool nights we are all (hopefully) enjoying.
There is something for everyone in this weeks carnival ~ from Sunshine in a Glass to Fireball Pickles. So let's get this party started!
Looking for a delightful hors d'oeuvre to serve? Men in Aprons has just the thing to celebrate the coming of autumn with their Cream Cheese Stuffed Mushrooms. Gooey, cheesy, mushroomy goodness with bacon! What could be better?
Now while this entry could be a main dish, as an appetizer it sounds most fabulous. From Trinity Prep School we have a recipe for Basil Tomato Tart. Just the thing to help use up all of those yummy ripe tomatoes from the garden!
Barbecue is always satisfying, and from Famous Recipes we have a recipe for Texas Barbecue that is baked over pasta! Delish!
Looking for a new way to prepare the same old same old chicken? From the "go to" source for all things poultry related (Chicken Recipes), we have a recipe for a Bourbon Breast of Chicken. Now that sounds right up my alley... I love finding new ways to combine cocktails with dinner.
We all enjoy luxury in many forms, and Suite 101 is taking us to class with Kobe Beef - Luxury Beef from Japan. I think I could earn an "A" for sure. Could it be so good because the cattle in Japan are encouraged to imbibe? We here at One for the Road will be hungry to find the answer...
Kevin over at TechnoGypsy has two recipes for us! Another try at Bulgogi looks terrific to me and he also has a Roast Pig on a Smaller Scale. Mmmmmm.... Nothing like a pig roast to get all of the juices flowing. And this one is a most manageable amount.
Tinker over at The Secret Life of Shoes has a speedy and easy recipe for Quick Goat Cheese Pizza just in time for those hectic school nights. And some stories to get your goat, to boot...
More cheesy goodness was submitted by Kaitlyn from Seven Silly Southern Sisters and Their New Bro with a simple but delicious Homemade Macaroni and Cheese.
Always a gastric adventurer (often taking us along for the ride), Brian B at Momento Moron presents Nachos Americano. Kind of a nachoey twist on chili fries. More barbecue style deliciousness...
"Roll that beautiful bean footage...." indeed. From In The Headlights we have a very hearty recipe for a terrific and homey Pot O' Beans. Nutritious, delicious, and versatile. The perfect fall meal.
And, oh wow! The BBQ General not only answers the eternal question fresh or frozen? (At least when referring to Chilean Sea Bass...) We are also treated to Sea Bass with Dijon Mustard-Champagne Sauce. Oh my... Another brilliant paring of cocktails with dinner. Yum.
And even a Yankee like me can appreciate this dish submitted by Kevin over at Seriously Good for a Pork Empanada. Holy cow! I mean pig! All I can say, is "Now, that looks seriously good..."
Oh my... From River City Food and Wine we have a mouth watering submission for Shrimp and Pasta Salad. A welcome meal for anyone's birthday, though this is what she served to her lucky husband.
The illustrious organizer of the Carnival of the Recipes and author of Everything and Nothing has submitted a sumptuous recipe for Red Potato Salad with Soy Bacon and Fresh Herbs that not only sounds fabulous, but it's good for you as well! Everything to enjoy and Nothing to regret - my favorite combination...
My submission is an oldie but a goodie. (And I just made a batch yesterday to accompany the fine fall weather we are enjoying). From One for the Road I present Chicken Tortilla Soup. It's one of our favorites...
While not technically a soup or a salad, these Fireball Pickles seemed to fit this catergory best. From Tritacle - The Wheat / Rye Guy, we have an excellent way to prepare those garden tomatoes... Yummy!
From River City Food and Wine, we have a recipe for Homemade Sunshine (in a glass). Oh now, this is a recipe that will be dead handy when we are faced with the gray days of winter. And will be much appreciated here at One for the Road. Thanks, PJPink!
And when a doctor prescribes dessert, I think it behooves us all to listen. From Dr. Joel Fuhrman at Disease Proof we have a submission of Desserts Gone Nutty. Oh yeah... Hawaiian Sweet Potato Pie, Peach Ice Cream with Nut Pie Shell, Monkey Fudge Popsicles... That's good medicine.
The ever talented Keewee from Keewee's Corner has once again submitted a drool worthy entry (with pictures!) for Crispy Peanut Butterscotch Pie. Holy cow! That looks decadent. And just perfect....
Hankering for something a teeny bit tart? Then Kicking Over My Traces has just the ticket with these Lemon Squares. Lemony goodness at it's best.
Looking for the perfect start or end to your day? Morning Coffee and Afternoon Tea has an Apple
Tim Worstall presents Marmite 101 - everything you need to know about this British Staple and his quest to find the real stuff. Good on ya, Tim!
The Hermit over at The Ziggurat of Doom has a great list of five things that can improve your kitchen for under $5, because Humans Use Tools. Well worth the read, and I have some shopping to do.
And hey! Don't feel like cooking tonight? No problemmo. Joe Caterisano over at Help With Everything has tried and true suggestions that can save you 50% at local restaurants! Let somebody else do the dishes for a change.
Well, there you have it. Another yummy Carnival has come to a close. I am off to prepare dinner for my own family ~ to say that I have been inspired would be a vast understatement!
Thanks for sharing all of the yummy y'all!
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