My occasionally snarky thoughts on everything from motherhood, politics, life and current events. Cocktails are sometimes mandatory. Bottoms up!

Saturday, September 09, 2006


Fall arrived today all at once. It is cloudy and quiet and a blissfully cool 61 degrees. Perfect.

I think it is just a cosmic "Welcome Home" for That 1 Guy so he can have a little taste of it before he heads back to hot muggy hurricane central, also known as Florida.

I am enjoying it, at any rate.

T1G made his way up to my humble abode yesterday so we could hang out and shoot the breeze. We were chatting it up relaxing on my cute little patio trying to ignore the constant and relentless attack of killer bees gottdamn aggressive and annoying wasps. Then one of the little sonsabitches stung me. F*cker.

Now you might ask, did the mighty T1G immediately jump to my aid and save me from the relentless swarms once I was so brutally attacked?? Well, no.

But he did help me carry in the chips and salsa once we gave it up and came inside. Heh. And that was nice. If if he did later say that I was a crazy woman... The man has no idea. Truly...

So today it's fall. I have a crock-pot percolating with my Chicken Tortilla Soup .

And I noticed that one of the trees up the block already jumped over the line and into the new season. See?

And yeah. It's good that T1G is going to get some Fall this year. I know for a fact that it just doesn't happen in Florida.