My occasionally snarky thoughts on everything from motherhood, politics, life and current events. Cocktails are sometimes mandatory. Bottoms up!

Sunday, January 15, 2006


Just going to be a quiet catch up day for me and the kids. Getting ready for next week. Back packs ready to go, laundry caught up, school forms prepped, lunch schedule checked (dang -- looks like I'm going to be packing lunches again next week...)

Youngest wants to participate in the Pom Pon clinic they have every year for second and third graders. Eldest does not -- but then, she did it last year. She says she doesn't want everybody looking at her again. Okay, fair enough. Youngest is psyched, though. 'Course I think if she could go neon at will she would -- just to get people's attention.

Hubby has that #*$%ing "mandatory poker tournament" to go to tonight so we won't be seeing him at all today. Harrumph. Still pisses me off....

And not much else is trippin' my radar. Really. I think I may just make today a big cooking day. I have a roast to cook and I need to make some more soup stock. Youngest put in a request for brownies yesterday. Mmmmm... brownies....

I haven't participated in the Carnival of the Recipes for a while, but it's up. (And looks delicious, par usual) Maybe I will get motivated to post something yummy to enter for next week.

So that's it! Let the games begin!