My occasionally snarky thoughts on everything from motherhood, politics, life and current events. Cocktails are sometimes mandatory. Bottoms up!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


For a job. I have one on Friday.

I have been looking for something part time and flexible that would boost our bottom line, fit in with both the Hubby's and the Girl's schedules, and not make me crazy and/or totally sleep deprived. Oh, and I wanted to find something that makes me feel as though I am making a positive contribution to the community.

Sounds impossible, no?? Yeah - I thought so too. And then I started looking into this. (There was a link - and then I thought better of it. If you want to see, drop me a line...) Basically it's a company that provides caregivers for seniors who are still able to live at home - they just need a bit of assistance.

Hmmmmm... This might just be the fit I am looking for. The interview is scheduled for Friday - and I will be interviewing *them* as much as they are interviewing *me.* This should be interesting...