And ...cue the SUN!
Oh freekin' hooray! The sun is out! The sun is out!! I don't even remember the last time we had a whole day of sunshine! That's what the weatherguy predicted anyway -- and he should know!(There goes my chronic optimism again... It's only 9am. This could soooo change...)
Don't have a thing to write about -- which I guess in some ways is a good thing. Fritz Fest is still front and center in my bloggable gray matter. Time to move on with other things, I know...
I wish I could make ironing funny to write about...
Oh well, I am going to go soak up some vitamin D and try to improve my humor. Speaking of humor, this made me giggle. Not very PC but hey, I hate political correctness....
Don't have a thing to write about -- which I guess in some ways is a good thing. Fritz Fest is still front and center in my bloggable gray matter. Time to move on with other things, I know...
I wish I could make ironing funny to write about...
Oh well, I am going to go soak up some vitamin D and try to improve my humor. Speaking of humor, this made me giggle. Not very PC but hey, I hate political correctness....

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